Click below to view past sermons
The Gut-Brain Revolution: Unlocking the Biblical Health Message by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon
The Paradox of Strength in Weakness: Finding God's Power in Our Limitations by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon
Divine Motion: Understanding God's Laws in Nature and Spirit | Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon
Divine Motion: Understanding God's Laws in Nature and Spirit by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon
So Close Yet So Far by Tim Perenich
SDA Sermon
Revelation 14:8 Escape The Collapse - God's Way Out by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon
What Does It Take to Graduate, to be Successful by Bill Warcholik
SDA Sermon
Sermon by Mike Kelleher
SDA Sermon
Revelation 14:7 Voices of Victory: And Worship Him Who Made by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon
Revelation 14:7 Voices of Victory by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon
Go Placidly Amidst The Storm by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon
Faith In The Storm by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon
Freedom In Christ; Limits and Responsibility by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon
Revelation 14:7 Fear God and Give Glory to Him: The First Angel's Message by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon
Ready or Not by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon
The Mass Formation Psychosis and The Fire That Comes Down by Tim Perenich
SDA Sermon
My Vote is for Jesus by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon
Revelation 14:6 Voices of Victory by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon
To And Fro by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon
Run To Win by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon
Biblical Foods by Dr. Tauran
SDA Sermon
From Smyrna To Pergamos by Tim Perenich
SDA Sermon
Revelation 14:4-5 Voices of Victory by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon
Biblical Solutions For Biblical Families by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon
The Biblical Family by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon
Revelation 14:1-3 Voices of Victory by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon
Conversion Therapy or Conversion by Tim Perenich
SDA Sermon
The 11th Commandment by Tim Perenich
SDA Sermon
The Struggle To Forgive by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon
Keep Your Eyes On Jesus by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon
How Can A Just God Justify The Wicked And Remain Just? by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon
Cross Training by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon
The Spirit Is Willing But The Flesh Is Weak by Tim Perenich
SDA Sermon
Ductus Exemplo by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon
From Ground Breaking To Glory: Building God's Church by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon
Lessons In The Desert by Randy Nims
SDA Sermon
Trust The Process by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon
Worship by Tim Perenich
SDA Sermon
Artificial vs. Real Intelligence by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon
The Rescue Boat by Mike Kelleher
SDA Sermon
Petra: A Sure Foundation by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon
It Really Is All About You by Mike Kelleher
SDA Sermon
The Dream is Certain and The Interpretation is Sure by Tim Perenich
SDA Sermon
From Vision to Apocalypse: Zechariah's Influence on Revelation by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon
A Call to Peace and Understanding by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon
New Beginnings by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon
Control Freak by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon
The High Cost of Forgiveness by Tim Perenich
SDA Sermon
Sermon by Mike Kelleher
SDA Sermon
Who is the Antichrist? by Tim Perenich
Understanding the Mareh and the Chazone Visions in Daniel 8 by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon - When reading about the Prophecies in Daniel 8, in English only the word for "Vision" is used; however, in the original language two different words are used for "Vision". Without knowing this Daniel 8 may seem confusing because it is impossible to track which of the two Visions Daniel is referring to in each verse. In this sermon we learn how to differentiate between the Mareh and the Chazone visions in Daniel 8 and what it means for us today.
What Shall I Do to Inherit Eternal Life? by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon - Do you know how to inherit Eternal Life?
The Cross, a Stumbling Block? - 1 Cor 1:22-23 by Sean Worix
Why does Paul say the Jews asked for a Sign and the Greeks asked for Wisdom and then says the Cross is made a Stumbling Block?
The Great Disappointment and The Cleansing of The Sanctuary by Tim Perenich
SDA Sermon - A Passionate Sermon on The Great Disappointment and The Cleansing of The Sanctuary.
What is the Biblical Health Message by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon - Many speak of the health message as one of diet, exercise, fasting, and avoiding red meat; but, what does the Bible have to say? Learn what the Biblical health message is in this sermon as we ask the question, "Will the real health message please stand up?"
The Faith of Jesus and The Nature of Christ by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon - What does the Nature of Christ have to do with The Faith of Jesus? Listen in to find out.
What the Bible has to say about Madness by Tim Perenich
SDA Sermon - Here is what the Bible has to say about Madness
God Works In Miraculous Ways by Walter Castro
SDA Sermon - God's Way is the Best Way
What's your Price by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon - What we have may be for sale but who we are should never be.
I Can't but He Can (or When I Can't is When I Have To) by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on the importance of not giving up five minutes before the miracle and how to push past the fear and the pain by relying fully on God - 8/25/2023
From Authorship of a Letter to the Author of Life by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon - a deep dive into the book of Hebrews and the plan of salvation as seen by the Apostle Paul - 8/19/2023
Rich and Increased with Goods by Tim Perenich
SDA sermon - 7/29/2023
Believe and Obey by Tim Perenich
SDA sermon - 8/12/2023
God's use of Islam in the Bible: Part 3 by Sean Worix
SDA sermon on the origins and application of Islam from a biblical perspective. This is the third part of a 3-part series - 8/5/2023
God's Use of Islam in the Bible: Part 2 - by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon on understanding the biblical application of Ishmael's role in the rise of Islam as revealed in the book of Revelation: Part 2 - 7/22/2023
God's Use of Islam in the Bible: Part 1 - by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon on understanding the biblical application of Ishmael's role in the rise of Islam: Part 1 - 7/15/2023
The Faith of Rahab by Dr. Ralph Tauran
Besides being seen as a harlot and a prostitute, Rahab was also a woman whose courage and faith in God would transcend her reputation and place her in the lineage of the Messiah. - 7/8/2023
Prayer Works. Really!! by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on the power and effectiveness of prayer. No matter what others may say, prayer really works! - 7/1/2023
Father's Day is Every Day! by Frank Cohen
This is a sermon on how we can celebrate our heavenly father every day. We have been adopted into the family of God and are now his children - 6/17/2023
Mother's Little Helper by Tim Perenich
SDA Sermon on how the Word of God can be used to treat anxiety and other stress-related disorders - 6/24/2023
Identity Crisis by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on how our identify must be tied to Jesus, or we end confused about who we are - 6/10/23
Adventist Waymarks by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon on the in-depth history of the waymarks of Adventism - 6/3/23023
If You're Happy and you Know it . . . by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on knowing the difference between happiness and joy - 5/27/23
A Biblical Approach to Health by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on gaining a better understanding of how the Bible defines health in a holistic way - 5/20/2023
God Loves Mothers by Tim Perenich
SDA Sermon on the importance of Motherhood to God and Christians - 5/13/23
He took, He blessed, He broke, He gave by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon - 12/3/2022
The Reformation Perfected by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon - Many know about the five great reformers throughout history, but did you know there were really seven? - 11/5/2022
Profession of Faith and Clint's Testimony by Frank Cohen and Clint Curry
SDA Sermon on profession of faith and the personal testimony of Clint Curry - 11/29/2022
Why I Love the Lord by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on the four reasons why I have a love relationship with God - 10/15/2022
Each One Reach One by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon discussing the importance of one-on-one evangelism and improving our personal relationship with God and others - 10/8/2022
The Savior's Pardon by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon discusses the meaning of God's pardon and the importance of accepting it - 10/01/2022
Real True Religion by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on the intersection of religion and spirituality - 9/24/2022
The Aerodynamics of Faith by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon that discusses how we, as Christians, can use examples from the natural laws to help us build unity in purpose and direction - 9/17/2022
The Black Hole by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on relying 100% on Jesus to escape the black holes of anger, depression, illness and other burdens that drag us down - 9/10/2022
Stand Firm by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on the importance of putting on the whole armor of God in preparation for the final battle - 9/3/2022
Miracles on High Street by Sean Worix
A personal testimony from one of our college students on God's protection over us - 8/27/2022
Worldly Intelligence vs. Heavenly Wisdom by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on the importance of relying fully on God and H/is wisdom rather than our own earthly intelligence and understanding - 8/20/2022
The Faith of Jesus by Tim Perenich
SDA Sermon that discusses the importance for us to strive for the faith that Jesus displayed - 8/13/2022
For Such a Time as This by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on the importance of being prepared to carry the Gospel message at any time and anywhere
The Communion Service by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on the importance and nuance of the communion service - 7/30/2022
Destroy Those Who Destroy the Earth by Tim Perenich
SDA Sermon on Revelation 18 and the 7th trumpet - 7/23/2022
Easy Does It . . . by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on the importance of temperance in all areas of our life - 7/16/2022
A Few Good Men by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on Gideon and how, under God's grace, he and his army of 300 defeated the Midianites - 7/9/2022
Revelation and the Three Angels' Message by Sean Worix
SDA sermon that uncovers the deep truths surrounding the three angel's message of Revelation 14 - 7/2/2022
Seeing is NOT Believing by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on how easy it is to get fooled by lies and illusions and how critical it is to rely only upon the Holy spirit for truth, wisdom and understanding - 6/25/22
The Danger of Reservations by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on the dangers of fully committing to God. Reservations are those things that interfere with our usefulness to God and to those around us. - 6/18/2022
You're Going to have to Server Someone by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on the fact that we are born to service and either we will serve the Lord God or we will serve Satan. There is no fence sitting when it comes to this - 6/11/2022
Deceiving the World by Mike Jenner
SDA Sermon on how Satan uses human forces to pass along his lies and deceptions - 6/4/2022
Of Sin, Of Righteousness and of Judgement by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon on the deeper truths of the Bible - 5/28.2022
A Body Hast Thou Prepared for Me by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon on being ready for the soon coming of Jesus - 5/14/2022
The Spoken Word by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on how God spoke the universe into existence and how that comports with string theory - 5/7/2022
Our God is an Awesome God by Frank Cohen
An SDA Sermon on how we can see the awesomeness of God through nature - 4/30/2022
Famous Last Words by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on how our last words will affect the person to whom they are spoken - 4/23/2022
Christ: The Great Reset by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon on the deeper issues surrounding the cross - 4/16/22
Remember by Mike Kelleher
SDA Sermon about why the word "remember" is in the Bible over 200 times - 3/19/2022
He Shall Purify the Sons of Levi by Tim Perenich
SDA Sermon on Malachi 3:2-3 - 3/12/2022
Discipleship - The Call of Christ
SDA Sermon on how Christ has called each of us to be a disciple; based on Romans 10:14-15
The Famine Before the Rain by Tim Perenich
SDA Sermon about how God refines His children - 2/26/2022
Up Close and Personal by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on the importance of personal relationships when it comes to our own ministries - 2/19/2022
One Day at a Time by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on living life one day at a time
Transformed by the Renewing of our Minds by Scott Ritsema
SDA Sermon on the dangers that media addiction presents to the Christian and how we can combat that by transforming rather than conforming our minds in Christ
The Non-Discouragement Agreement by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on turning a mess into a message and overcoming discouragement
The One Minute Evangelist by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on the importance of learning how to carry the Gospel message in a fast-paced world
Communion Sermonette by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on the meaning and purpose of communion and foot washing
Are You Ready? by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on being ready for the final days
Judge Not - The Real Story by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on how to judge rightly - 12/17/21
Lost and Found by Mike Kelleher
SDA Sermon on the importance of saving a single soul - 12/11/21
Liberty of Conscience by Tim Perenich
SDA Sermon on how true liberty only comes as a gift from God
The Remining Presence of Sin by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon on The Day of Atonement
Sanctification by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on Justification and Sanctification
Trust without Reservation by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on being all in al the time when it comes to faith and trust in God - 11/6/2021
United we Stand by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on the difference between unanimity, uniformity and unity - 10/30/21
God's Will vs. Our Will by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on ensuring that we make God our first resource and not our last recourse - 10/16/2021
Faith Moves Mountains by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on how faith is the power behind healing - 10/9/2021
There is Sin Unto Death by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon on the seriousness of sin and our hope in Jesus for forgiveness - 10/2/2021
Sorcery - The Great Imitator by Tim Perenich
SDA Sermon on the importance of understanding real biblical truth - 9/25/2021
The Worst Pandemic Ever by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon about the true pandemic, which is sin
Who is Theophilus by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon on the truth about who is the real Theophilus
Fill my Cup Lord by Pastor Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon discussing John 4 (The Woman at the Well)
Why Forgive? by Pastor Tony Rivera
SDA Sermon on the Biblical principles of forgiveness - 8/21/21
Manna and the Mark of the Beast by Tim Perenich
SDA Sermon on our character and how that relates to the mark of the beast - 8/14/2021
There's Wisdom in Silence, Too by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on knowing when to talk and when to be quiet - 8/7/2021
The Sanctity of Mental Health by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon applying the biblical principles of the Four Agreements
to improve our overall mental and spiritual health - 7/31/2021 -
The Midnight Cry by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon on the history of the SDA church - Part 1
Help, My Hut is on Fire! by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on how God turns adversity into opportunity - 7/17/2021
All Along the Watchtower by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on the importance of being our brother's keeper - 7/10/202
No Soul Left Behind by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on the importance of loyalty to God and our brethren - 7/3/2021
Grant me the Serenity . . . by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on the Biblical application of the Serenity Prayer - 6/25/21
BANG! by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on how the big Bang theory helps to explain the presence of God - 6/12/2021
The Heavenly Trio by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on the Godhead; the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit - 6/5/2021
The Big 10 - Part 2 by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on the second great commandment - love thy neighbor - 5/22/21
Heartburn by Sean Worix
SDA Sermon on the history of the Three Angels message - 5/15/2021
The Top 10: Part 1 - by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on the first 4 commandments - 5/8/2021
The Goal by Mike Kelleher
SDA Sermon on reaching our spiritual goals - 5/1/2021
Good Orderly Direction by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on how God brings order to the chaos in our lives - 4/24/2021
Make Jesus Great Again by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on going back to the foot of the cross and making Jesus first in your life - 4/17/21
Wrestling with God by Blain Powers
SDA Sermon on Wrestling with God - 4/10/2021
Check-up from the Neck Up by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on resetting, recharging and rebooting
Bad to the Bone by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on relying on God for strength and power - 3/27/21
SDA Sermon on discipline and discipleship - 2/27/21
Post-traumatic Growth by Chad Kreuzer
SDA Sermon on growing through past trauma - 2/20/2021
Do Not Fear by Mike Kelleher
SDA Sermon on trusting in God and replacing fear with faith
Chose this Day
SDA Sermon on choosing God by Frank Cohen - 2/6/2021
Baptism: A Symbol of our Devotion to God
SDA Sermon on the true meaning of baptism by immersion by Frank Cohen - 1/23/2021
The Power of Testimony
SDA Sermon on the power of a personal testimony by Frank Cohen - 1/16/2021
Two Steps Forward and One Step Back
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen - 1/9/2021
JOY: Jesus, Others and You
SDA Sermon on setting our priorities in relationships by Frank Cohen - 1/2/2021
Standing on the Promises by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on how God always keeps his promises by Frank Cohen - 12/26/2020
Cardiosclerosis by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on how to avoid hardening your heart by Frank Cohen - 11/14/2020
What Would Jesus Do? by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on being more like Jesus by Frank Cohen - 11/7/2020
The Narrow Gate by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on growing closer in our walk with God by Frank Cohen - 10/31/2020
It's and Inside Job - Part 2 by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on Getting Ready for the Second Coming by Frank Cohen - 10/24/2020
It's and Inside Job - Part 1 by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on building our faith in God by Frank Cohen - 10/10/2020
If It's Good Enough for God . . . by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon on Racism, Bigotry, Prejudice and Hatred by Frank Cohen - 9/26/20
S.L.O.W by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen on deep Bible learning and comprehension - 9/19/2020
Are we There Yet? by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen - 9/12/2020
More will be Revealed by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen - 9/5/2020
Faulty Perception Filters by Tony Rivera
SDA Sermon by Tony Rivera - 8/29/2020
Revival Requires Obedience by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen - 8/22/2020
The Gift of Gab by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen - 8/15/2020
Fear Not! by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen - 8/8/2020
No Whining Zone by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen - 8/1/2020
The Sin of Separation from God by Frank Cohen
SDA sermon by Frank Cohen - 7/25/2020
Communion Sermon by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen - 1/4/20
Your Greatest Need by
SDA Sermon by Reinhardt Stander
Drafting God by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen - 7/11/2020
Hearses and U-Haul Trailers by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen - 7/4/2020
Full Court Press by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen - 6/26/2020
Churchianity vs. Christianity by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen - 6/20/2020
Break the Chains by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen - 6/13/2020
Fear Not! by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen - 6/6/2020
Prove It! by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen - 5/30/2020
All in the Family (of God) by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen - 5/23/2020
More will be Revealed
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen - 5/16/2020
Check-up from the Neck up
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen - 5/9/2020
Are You Ready? by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen - 5/2/2020
Who's Job is it Anyway? by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen - 4/25/2020
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen - 4/11/2020
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen - 4/4/2020
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen - 3/27/2020
Back to Basics by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen - 3/7/20
Finishing the Work by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen - 2/29/20
The Gift of Giving by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen - 2/22/20
Building Relationships by Chad Kruezer
SDA Sermon by Chad Kruezer - 2/15/20
Real Resolutions by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen - 2/1/2020
Understanding God's Plan by Mike Kelleher
SDA Sermon by Mike Kelleher - 1/25/20
We the People by Frank Cohen
SDA Sermon by Frank Cohen - 1/18/20